
About Us

This is a family own business; we are Hispanics, and we settle in Louisiana early 2018. We met and right there we knew we were meant to be. She is a natural entrepreneur and I have been a barber since I was in High school.  Barbershop became my passion when I was very young. So I became obsessed on perfecting my techniques. Some would say my wife and I didn’t have anything in common but her ingenuity and my skills made BARBERICAN a reality. In 2022 my dream of becoming a business owner, and having my own barbershop became a realityBarberican is always innovating and makes sure all of our professionals keep up with trending techniques to bring to our clients. My wife and I are very giving, and caring people and we were thrilled with this opportunity of contributing back to the community. 



Barberican of Lake Charles has dedicated the 27th of each month to The Verandah Retirement Community. Every month all the barbers gather their tools to make this gentleman’s happy for a couple of hours. Sometimes its important to take a second out of our busy lives to commemorate those who where before us.

We have also assisted on Back to School Events. We encourage anyone who might have an idea to give back to the community to reach out to us!!!


At Barberican we always strive for the best. Our licensed barbers are always looking to better themselves on the field. To make sure we are current on barbershop trends and equipment we assist frequently to barbers expos and conferences.



First Annual Client Appreciation

Barberican appreciates all of its clients, so we wanted to show them some love. On our first anniversary each barber choose 10 of its most loyal clients to be invited to a small gathering. This gathering had 25 different raffles. We hope next year we will have new and more clients invited to this Festivity!